Why I fall in love with you.
I fall in love with you because you always care
we fight and we swear
but you never walk away
you stay
until it all disappears.
I fall in love with you the way you always know
how to turn my gloom into a glow
you never even complain
you and your weird brain
you’re mine and you’re here to stay.
I fall in love with you because you’re my best friend
I wanna be with you till the end
you are my favorite book
you are my favourite look
Your worth to me can never be understood
I fall in love with you because you complement me
in every way there could be
the yin to my yang or the ice to my cream
and every other perfect pair, anyone can ever dream
you, you will always complete me.
This is my first attempt at writing a poem. Hope you guys like it. Do tell me what you think of it by leaving a response below.