To the future generation of young women
We have come far with our fights with the rights for women. We have had women leaders, presidents and women fighting for change. But, still does our fight end because at least we are less restricted than our moms and grand moms? Of course, not. We still have a lot further to go. And I will be here to strive for progress whenever I can for the rest of my life but here are a few things which I hope for the generation of women after me.
So dear future generation of young women,
I hope you never believe it when someone tells you you’re not enough, be it your parents, your boss or your husband. I hope you can differentiate between a man who supports your dreams and a man who pities you for having dreams. I hope you are not afraid to take that lonely street at 3 am alone. I hope you do not see another woman in your league as a threat but as a support and as a team member. I hope you know you belong anywhere you want to. I hope you don’t let the influencers or social media decide what to eat or what to wear. I hope you’re comfortable in your own skin. I hope you make your own choices, even if you’re not always right, I hope the last decision is always yours. I hope you have both the luxury and the freedom to manage your finances.
I hope you understand that we fought for your rights and the women before us fought for ours and I hope you have to fight less than the women before you. I hope you don’t let the old romcom movies define your idea of love. I hope you don’t limit your life’s purpose to only find love. I hope you treat everyone equally.
I hope when you look in the mirror you only see your beauty and accept your flaws. I hope you always become what you want.
I hope when you read this article you read this article you don’t relate to it at all because believe it or not, we are limited by our gender, and I hope you’re not.