To all the people I tried pleasing before
To all the people I tried pleasing before
I wasn’t just being kind
Your opinion of me
defined me
for me
I needed your validation
to survive
you could walk over me
and not even say sorry
As long as you liked me.
To all the people I tried pleasing before
I am my own person
but I wanna feel worthy
so I feed off your energy
You’re not half as hardworking as me
But I’ll make believe
That your opinion matters to me
To all the people I tried pleasing before
I will always fight
To prove to myself that I belong
That I have stayed strong
You will never see me bleed
When I am down on my knees
I will still make sure you get what you need
To all the people I tried pleasing before
I wanna feel special
So I wanna make you feel the same
I hope you’ll someday remember my name
Tell your kids I was a kind soul
Because I need that
Tell them I was kind but nothing ever made me whole
Because I was always wondering about
All the people I tried please before