My Year in Review — 2018

Soumya Tiwari
5 min readDec 13, 2018



So it’s December and the year is coming to an end and 2018 has been an exhilarating year for me. And obviously! it didn’t turn out the way I expected it to. No year in my life so far has changed almost every aspect of my life, and I can say this for sure that in my coming years, I will remember and cherish this year. I decided to write about a short glimpse of my life this year and how it evolved me as a person.

1. Career

I am currently in my final year of engineering and last November I was hired by Microsoft India for a summer internship in 2018. So obviously, when the year started I couldn’t wait to start working my first job. And perhaps that was the only thing I expected from the year. Eventually, summer did arrive and I moved from Bangalore to Hyderabad for a period of two months. The internship turned out to be a bigger challenge than I expected it to be. As Microsoft’s internship program schedule is based on the curriculum of IITs, NITs and IIITs, being from a regional college created challenges for me. I had to juggle between work and my end semester exams. I took flights back and forth from Hyderabad to Bangalore, wrote my exam over the day and stayed late at work just to catch up with my internship project. However, my team manager and colleagues at Microsoft were highly supportive and guided me consistently. I believe I grew up into an adult in those two months. Finally, I was able to complete my internship project at Microsoft and score 8.1 GPA in my end semester exam. I also got a pre-placement offer from Microsoft and I can’t wait to join the company as a full time software engineer after graduating in 2019. Apart from the work experience those two months taught me to be calm and rational in situations where everything seems a little much too handle. Those days taught me that the only thing I can rely on is doing my best.

2. Social Life and Relationships

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with

The above quote makes so much sense. Most of our actions, habits and thoughts depend on the people who surround us everyday. This year made me realize that as a young adult who’s ambitious and driven, I no longer have the time or energy to build and entertain fake or toxic friendships. This doesn’t mean I don’t talk or don’t be nice to people I meet, I simply mean to say that the closest people to me are the people who work on making each other better. I no longer have time to entertain gossips or conversations about nothing. I cut off a lot of old friends, friends who I can say I “outgrew”, I may have ended up being the villain to them, but I think sometimes you need to choose the best for yourself. I met new people as well, friends I know I can count on.. they are people who bring out the best in me. In the end I think I now know when to stop taking shit from someone.

There’s a saying “expect the unexpected”, and that’s what happened when my best friend and I realized that what we feel for each other is more than friendship. The conversation happened over a drink and my life hasn’t been the same since then. We have known each other since high school. We know each other’s embarrassing moments, dating history, pet peeves, likes dislikes and what not. And even though we have had our share of bad history, we have taught each other forgiveness. We understand each other. And this relationship taught me that maybe love isn’t about the person who gives you butterflies, it’s about the person who makes you feel the calmness of the ocean even if there’s a raging storm outside. And though we are still working through our differences, I now know a good relationship isn’t a distraction from your dreams, instead a good partner will be the fuel for you to work towards your dreams.

And lastly, something I am more and more grateful for every year, my family. My mother, who has more part in making me the independent woman I am becoming than anyone else, the person who I will always look up to for inspiration. My elder brother who is also like a best friend, my go to person for when things are too happy or too sad or let’s just say, too much! And my dad to whom I’ll never stop being the little princess.

Thanks 2018, for teaching me how to deal with negativity and staying positive and not caring much about the opinions of people who don’t really matter.

3. Habits

Where do I start with this? Well, let’s say all through high school and my initial semesters in college, I have been a person with low self-esteem. No matter how accomplished I was, I would never feel enough. But over the course of this year I believe I have become a stronger person, I stand tall and don’t let anyone dull my sparkle (dramatic much!). I try to be kinder to people. I do not indulge in self deprecating thoughts anymore and do not let my emotions take control over me. Compared to last year, I see myself as an emotionally healthier person now.

I quit my habit of binging on Netflix and YouTube and started investing my time into more productive things.

I went through certain lifestyle changes as well. As most of my self hate came through my dissatisfaction of my body, I developed a habit of exercising regularly, I spend an hour either doing cardio or strength training at least 3 times a week. This has made me a healthier and a happier person.

I also boosted my habit of reading this year. I made time to read over 16 books in the whole year, which has led me to being a better spoken and a more open minded person.

In my free time during the semester, I took up additional courses, participated in hackathons and brushed up my old skills. In short, I got slightly better at overcoming procrastination.

I have been writing since the age of 13, but due to my lack of self confidence I was always afraid of putting my pieces out to the world. But this year gave me the courage to finally let the world into the little world of my articles!

I do wish that I could’ve travelled more, but I think I’ll leave that as a goal for next year.

So overall 2018 was an amazing year for me (PS: I hope I don’t jinx it!). I see myself as a happier and a stronger person now. I feel free! And I do have much more to look forward to next year… graduation, moving to Hyderabad and living on my own, starting my job at Microsoft, being in a long distance relationship and so much more!

But for now, I am gonna be grateful for 2018 and say it like Ariana Grande, “thank u,next”



Soumya Tiwari
Soumya Tiwari

Written by Soumya Tiwari

Software Engineer, book lover, music enthusiast. Always curious! Happy to learn. Happy to help. Instagram: Goodreads:

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