How do you overcome self doubt?.. You don’t.
For the most part of my life, I worried about everything.
Am I good enough to compete?
Am I good enough to ask him out?
Am I good enough that he’s actually going out with me?
Am I good enough at my job?
Am I a good person?
Most of us ask these questions to ourselves, and almost on a daily basis. And what do most of us do when these thoughts do occur? We spiral.
We give into our thoughts and our fears and our self doubts. We condemn ourselves that why are we like this.. and why for once cant be the perfect coworker or girlfriend or best friend. The answer is simple, you will never be the perfect whatever you want to be. Sounds rough? I know, it’s true.
All of us are chasing perfection in some way or other. Well that “perfection” you’re trying to achieve is nothing but an idealistic image you have created in your mind to make sure you believe your life doesn’t seem meaningless. You tend to spend so much time thinking about what you should be doing than thinking about what you want to do. Every day is a race to you. A race to look better, to feel better and to do better… and it should be, but not to prove your worth to anyone else but for yourself. For a minute, I want you to sit back and think about the 3 things you love the most — friends, family, work, hobbies?
Now be honest, when you considered your top 3 things.. did you for a moment to think about prioritizing your happiness or your satisfaction with your life? No? Why?
Because the society never tells us to put yourself first. And I think that’s where we learn to never truly consider our worth. But what do we do with our worth? I don’t know.
No, honestly.
But at least I am worth something. The point is, you dont have to be your best. What a revelation right?
You don’t have to constantly struggle to be better than your yesterday. You just need to start appreciating the fact that you’re here today. I am not saying dont think or plan your future, you should.. but instead of only thinking “am I perfect at this?” Or “am I going in the right direction?”, your thoughts should also focus on.. “am I feeling okay today?”
You will never stop doubting yourself, that’s a fact. But what you can do is accept that. And overcome that, you tell yourself, it’s okay. And you keep telling yourself that over and over again until you can’t hear the voice of the doubt anymore.